Friday, 18 April 2014

A little bit of everything

This is just a short round up of some of the things I will be getting up to in the next week or so. 

Making good use of my Easter weekend I am spending it painting my living room with some assistance from my dad. As I have said in previous posts, decor wise I haven't touched my flat since moving in almost 5 months ago. So, I am really excited to put my stamp on it a little. I have already started to sand and paint my door frame and skirting and it is looking great. Also, it's amazing how therapeutic painting can be. I will hopefully have some before and after pictures coming soon. 

10 days ago
In other news, I have planted some herbs so I can have a little greenery in my kitchen. The kit was a fiver from Tesco and came with everything needed including compost, seeds and cute metal buckets. I have planted chives, basil and parsley.

Some small signs of life
At the moment they are still living in darkness in my hall cupboard but as of yesterday they are showing some signs of life. I will move them out of the cupboard and onto my kitchen window sill when all the paint fumes have gone and they look a little more sturdy. I hope they work out alright, I have always wanted my own little herb garden that I can have on hand when cooking. I will do another update in a few weeks to track how everything is growing or not growing.
Finishing touches
On the sewing front with all the decorating I haven't had much room to really get sewing. However, before the rearranging of furniture started, I had a lovely crafternoon with one of my friends where I started making a slightly belated birthday present for my mum. It is nearly finished and hopefully I will be able to give her it on Easter Monday and then I can post it. I also have my next project waiting in the wings and I am hoping that at the next Materialise sewing club night I will make some progress with it.


Also related to sewing, last year I loved reading everyone's Me Made May posts and I had really hoped to join in this year. Unfortunately, I just don't think that I have enough handmade items for it to not get really repetitive. So my new hope is for next may and over the next year I will aim to make lots of fab wearable pieces suitable for Me-Made-May15. Good luck to everyone taking part this year I look forward to reading all about it.

So there is lots happening and hopefully there will be some interesting posts coming up soon.

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